Join Troop 14 Today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Use these buttons to find the answers questions you may have. If you can't find the answer to your question, you can reach out to our Scoutmaster via email at

General Questions

Troop 14 meets regularly every Thursday at either 7 or 7:30 PM. You can see what time specific types of meetings start on our calendar.

Troop 14 regularly meets at Covenant Presbyterian Church. However, always check the mailing list as sometimes the meeting location will change.

Scouting advancement related questions can be answered by the Scout Book, which is a required purchase to join scouting.

Joining Troop 14

For more information on joining Troop 14, click here.

For more information on what you need to join Troop 14, click here.


More information can be found here.


Troop 14 typically holds one outing each month except during the summer. You can view information about upcoming outings on our calendar.

Most outings are either overnight or two nights. For more information, you may reference our calendar.

If you still have any questions, please reach out to our Scoutmaster at